Crooked teeth can leave you feeling uncomfortable with your smile, unable to clean properly, or may make chewing difficult. Often patients are resigned to having crooked teeth, believing that fixing crooked teeth can only be carried out when you are young, but at Kensington Dental Care, this is not the case.
Crooked teeth may result from crowding, chipping and wear, or poorly fitted crowns or fillings. This is where a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to managing your crooked teeth does not work. At Kensington Dental Care, we use a range of treatments, including Invisalign™, crowns and veneers, or even simple white fillings to fix crooked teeth.
Invisalign™ is an alternative to traditional metal braces and can be used at any age to correct crowded teeth or issues with your bite, as well as prevent early chipping or wear of your teeth. Invisalign™ is a trusted process for discrete and comfortable teeth straightening. The innovative Invisalign™ method effectively straightens crooked teeth through the regular wear of plastic trays, and being clear makes them virtually invisible, so your Invisalign™ treatment won’t interfere with your daily activities.
Misaligned teeth can be caused by overcrowding, resulting in teeth needing to rotate to fit in the gum or tilting forward or back. Traditional braces and complex orthodontic treatments may be required to straighten crooked teeth in cases of significant movement since Invisalign™ doesn’t have the same capabilities and force as braces.
If a molar has rotated more than 20 degrees, Invisalign™ might not be able to move the tooth position into the correct placement. With canines, incisors and pre-molars, the degree of rotation can be more, and if a tooth has tilted more than 45 degrees, Invisalign™ will have trouble pulling the tooth back into the correct placement.
An overbite and crooked or misaligned teeth can cause speech difficulties, jaw strain, and damage an adult’s or child’s self-esteem. But for straight teeth, Invisalign™ can correct many orthodontic problems. The problems Invisalign™ can treat include overbite, underbite, open bite, misaligned teeth, crossbite, and crooked or crowded teeth. Invisalign™ can be a great option to choose for orthodontic problems with permanent teeth.
Whilst veneers are a mainly a cosmetic treatment they therefore generally don’t have a significant impact on your dental health, clear aligners on the other hand are an orthodontic treatment that can greatly benefit your oral health.
Please consult one of our expert Invisalign™ dentists at Kensington Dental Care today to discuss your misaligned or crooked teeth, porcelain veneers, gum disease or general oral health. If you have cracked teeth or a damaged or broken tooth or want to discuss clear plastic aligners and your desired outcome with teeth straightening treatment, contact us here for an appointment.
Our services are provided as a preferred partner of Bupa and HCF health funds.
We also accept all other health funds including Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA).